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With Workations, work and adventure come together to create a whole new lifestyle. You get to swap your home for a different location, immersing yourself in new cultures without being tied down to fixed vacation days. Imagine learning and relaxing under palm trees, surrounded by like-minded individuals. It’s an opportunity to grow both professionally and personally, making memories that will last a lifetime. So why wait? Embark on this unforgettable journey and experience the best of both worlds!

Myles Sutholt

Founder of Workationers

Workations from our community

Our members are looking for roommates

Experience the Azores with Workationers: Discover Ponta Delgada with Myles! Myles, the founder of Workationers, invites you to an unforgettable workation at Villa Lillian in the heart of Ponta Delgada, Azores.
Macht euch bereit für eine außergewöhnliche Reise nach Sofia, wo wir in einem luxuriösen und modernen Penthouse residieren werden. Mit einem atemberaubenden Panoramablick auf die Stadt und den Vitosha-Berg bietet dieses elegante Apartment die perfekte Kombination aus Komfort und Stil – ideal für aufstrebende und etablierte Gründerinnen und Gründer.
Welcome to our inspiring workation trip in the heart of a vibrant city, right by the sea. Our stylish accommodation is not just a place of relaxation, but also a creative exchange hub for professionals from product management, development, design, and marketing.
Vier Wochen lang entdecken wir die fesselnde Schönheit Kapstadts, eine Stadt, die durch ihren kulturellen Reichtum und ihre atemberaubenden Naturlandschaften besticht. Tagsüber durchstreifen wir die pulsierenden Gassen, tauchen in die lokale Kultur ein und lassen uns an den Wochenenden von den unzähligen Abenteuern, die diese einzigartige Region zu bieten hat, mitreißen.

Nothing peaked your interest?

We help you create your own dream workation. Just reach out to us and we help you create your individual trip. Free of charge! You don’t have to do anything except pick your roomies!

Ready for your adventure?



If you want to know more about workations and keep up to date about community members looking for roomies, sign up for our newsletter!